How To Fix Windows Update Error Code ‘0x80080005’

Updating your Windows is not that easy and simple task all the time. There exists a lot of system which can produce error while downloading and installing the new updates of Windows 10 in your device. One of the example of such error is 0x80080005 which you may receive while updating your Windows.

Whenever you receive this error, you will be unable to install and download your Windows update in your device and it turns to be very irritating when you don’t know how to get rid of this issue.

The main source of the causal reason of this error is any clash which takes place between any third-party program installed in your device for security purpose and Windows Update.

That’s why your computer will be unable to install the updates of Windows 10. If you are the one who is receiving such kind of error then we have provided you some of the most effective ways to fix this error. So, carry on to the article.


Understanding Error Code 0x80080005

Error code 0x80080005 is commonly encountered by Windows users during the update process. This error can prevent the successful installation of updates, leaving the system vulnerable to security risks and missing out on the latest features and bug fixes. The error typically indicates that there are issues preventing Windows Update from functioning correctly.

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Nature of the Error Code 0x80080005

This error is primarily related to Windows Update components encountering issues in communicating with Microsoft’s servers or processing the updates. It is a sign that the update service has run into problems that need to be resolved for updates to be successfully installed.

Causes of the Windows Update Error Code 0x80080005

Several factors can contribute to the occurrence of the 0x80080005 error:

1. Interference from Antivirus Software

Sometimes, third-party antivirus software can interfere with Windows Update, leading to this error.

2. Corrupted System Files

Corrupted or missing system files can disrupt the normal functioning of Windows Update.

3. Insufficient User Permissions

Lack of necessary permissions for updating system files can result in this error.

4. Registry Issues

Problems within the Windows Registry, particularly concerning Windows Update settings, can cause this error.

5. Conflicting Applications

Certain applications running in the background may conflict with the Windows Update process.

How to Fix Windows Update Error Code 0x80080005 on Windows 10?

In this guide we have discussed about some effective solutions to fix the error code 0×80080005 which you have while updating the windows update on your Windows 10. So let’s checkout them.


Solution 1: Uninstall any and all Security Programs

If you are a Windows 10 user then you have no need to install any of the third-party antivirus programs in your device. Windows 10 provides you with a proper defence against virus and malwares that’s why you don’t need to install any other application for defence purpose.

Although sometimes many Windows users install any of the third-party anti virus and anti malware application which may give rise to the error code 0x80080005 while updating your Windows 10 and that’s why you failed to install the new update for your Windows.

In case, you are receiving this error and you have installed any or more of the third party security application for defence against virus and malware then you must try to uninstall that application immediately or to disable it for sometimes while updating the Windows as they may interfere in updating process causing the error.

Then restart your device once and try to update your Windows again to check if the issue has resolved. This will surely fix the error if it is due to any third party security application but if not then move on and try our next solution.

Solution 2: Reset Windows Update Components Using a Troubleshooter

In case, many components of Windows update are messed up in your device and this is giving rise to the error 0x80080005 then you have to reset all of them and then repair them. Steps are mentioned below to reset the components of Windows update. Follow these steps to do so –

Step 1: First of all download the Windows Update Troubleshooter for your version of Windows.

Step 2: After successfully downloading the Troubleshooter for your Windows then go to the location where it is downloaded then run it by double-clicking on it.

Step 3: Now go through the instructions which is provided on your screen and you will successfully reset the components of your Windows update.

Step 4: After finishing of the troubleshooter, restart your device once and have a look if the issue has resolved by doing this.

If unfortunately not then you must try our next solution provided below.

Solution 3: Grant Full Control of the System Volume Information Folder to Your Computer

In cases, the error is caused in your device due to your device is unable to access the folder named as System Volume Information. In order to get rid of this error you just have to follow this simple steps given below –

Step 1: First of all you have to open the WinX Menu by clicking on the button Start Menu.

Step 2: Now from WinX menu click on the option Command Prompt in order to open the elevated Command Prompt.

Step 3: Now put the given command in the elevated Command Prompt and hit the Enter key

cmd.exe /c takeown /f “C:\System Volume Information\*” /R /D Y && icacls “C:\System Volume Information\*” /grant:R SYSTEM:F /T /C /L

Step 4: Keep patience until your command gets completely executed.

Step 5: Now restart your device once after closing the elevated Command Prompt.

Finally after booting up of your computer check if the error has fixed or not. If not then try the next solution.

Solution 4: Manually Reset the Security Descriptors of the BITS Service

If all the other solutions are not working for you then you must try to reset the security description of the BITS by manually with every other components of the Windows Update in your device. You just have to follow the given steps given below –

Step 1: First of all you have to open the Menu WinX by right clicking on the button Start Menu.

Step 2: Now from WinX menu click on the option Command Prompt in order to open the elevated Command Prompt.

Step 3: Now put the given command one by one in the elevated Command Prompt and hit the Enter key after typing every command so that it gets executive before you put another one.

net stop wuauserv

net stop cryptSvc

net stop bits

net stop msiserver

ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old

ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 catroot2.old

net start wuauserv

net start cryptSvc

net start bits

net start msiserver


Step 4: Now restart your device once after closing the elevated Command Prompt.

Step 5: After successfully booting of your device you habe to run the Windows Update to check if the issue has resolved now.

Step 6: In case this solution is not working to fix the error then you must try the given steps –

  • Run DISM scan and SFC scan.
  • Clean installation of Windows.
  • Run Chkdsk scan.

Solution 5: Deleting Update Files

Sometimes it may be possible that some of your configuration or Windows files gets corrupted at the time of downloading due to bad or slow internet connection or your packet in internet service get losed while downloading it. That’s why in this solution you have to delete that corrupted file.  Follow the steps mentioned below to do so –

Step 1: First of all press the combination of keys Windows key and R key in order to open Run prompt.

Step 2: Now put the command “Services.MSC” in order to launch the Service manager window.

Step 3: Now go down in Service management window to find “Windows Update” and “Background Intelligent Service”.

Step 4: Now double click on both of them one after other and put command “Disabled”.

Step 5: Now stop them by clicking on the option “Stop” then save all changes you made.

Step 6: Go to the folder given below


Step 7: Now open that folder then press keys “Ctrl” + “A” in order to select every file present there, then remove them by pressing keys “Shift” + “Delete”.

Step 8: Now move to the Window Service management after removing all files then enable those services which were disabled in above step.

Step 9: No’s open the settings by pressing keys “Windows’ + “I” then click on the option “Update and Security”.

Step 10: Now click on the option  “Windows Update” which is present at left pane then click on button “Check for Updates”.

Now check if the issue has resolved.

Solution 6: Changing Group Policy Settings

Sometimes your group policy may need some changes to be done so that some of the repair content gets downloaded directly from the server of Windows Update. This can fix the issue in many cases. Follow the steps mentioned below to do so –

Step 1: First of all launch the Run prompt by pressing the combination of keys “Windows” + “R” to open the Run prompt.

Step 2: Now put command “gpedit.msc” and hit the Enter key.

Step 3: Now launch gpedit.msc

Step 4: Double click on the option  “Administrative Templates” then double click on folder “System”.

Step 5: Now double click on option “Specify Settings for Optional Content Installation” which is present at right pane.

Step 6: Select the button “Enabled” then mark a tick on the option  “Download Repair Content and options features directly”.

Step 7: Select option “Apply” then click Ok so that your changes get saved.

Have a look if the issue has fixed now but if not then try our last solution.

Solution 7: Making Registry Changes

In some of the cases, you can fix this error by making some of the registry changes although it is a long list of changes. You will need to have a full script to permanently fix the error. Follow the steps mentioned below to do so –

Step 1: On the desktop, right click anywhere then click on the option “New>Text Document”.

Step 2: Now copy and paste the given lines in your document which is just created.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00







Step 3: Now select option “File” them click on “Save As”.

Step 4: Select option “All Types” which is present in Format drop-down then in name field, put the command “Fix.reg”.

Step 5: Choose a location which you found suitable then select “Save” option.

Step 6: Run this file in the newly changed location.

Have a look of the issue has resolved now.

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We have provided you a proper article in which all the most effective and best solutions are mentioned in order to get rid of the error code 0x80080005 while updating Windows 10. Go through these solutions one by one and you will surely able to fix the error.